Samuel Mutumba
MedAtlas is revolutionizing healthcare by making it easier to connect with Specialist Doctors from anywhere in Africa! Our mission is to deliver high quality care with just few clicks.
MedAtlas is co-founded by both Samuel Mutumba and Margaret Mutumba. Learn about Margaret here!
About Samuel
Technical Co-founder of MedAtlas, Samuel is a proactive software developer who inputs passion in every project he undertakes. High willingness to go the extra mile to ensuring that not only the team's goals are met but the end user's expectations are facilitated above all else. Samuel is also a fun and positive individual who loves football(soccer) and bringing joy to others in every capacity he can.
Fun Fact!
As a child, Samuel always wanted to be a doctor but was always better at computers so he chose Software Engineering. Now, Samuel is in startup working to connect the doctors to the patients through software he types. Not all heros wear latex gloves.